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The (Minneapolis) League of Catholic Women is an independent, non-profit, volunteer organization committed to Christian values. We provide creative community services for women and families, and we offer opportunities for spiritual, educational and personal growth.
The (Minneapolis) League of Catholic Women is a community devoted to enhancing and valuing personal growth in women, while energizing them to become agents of justice and mercy for all.
O God, our Heavenly Father, make the green door of our building wide enough to receive all women, diverse in talents and personalities, who desire this fellowship and who offer their love and service to you and their fellow women. Make this door narrow enough to shut out envy, pride and uncharitableness. Make the threshold of this building smooth enough to be no stumbling block to the weak, the shy, or the stranger, but rugged enough to turn back the tempter’s power. May the green door of this building be a gateway to your eternal Kingdom. Bless every member and every worker. May we daily increase in your Holy Spirit of love and service to others, and may all that we do be to your honor and glory, the growth of our faith and the extension of your Kingdom. Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen
Author: Nancy O’Keefe, LCW President, 1974-1976
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The League of Catholic Women 207 South 9th Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-332-2649